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tools [2013/11/30 01:25]
fabrizio created
tools [2014/04/03 11:24] (current)
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 Automata Violations Analyzer, AVA, is a technique to automatically produce candidate interpretations of software failures from anomalies identified by anomaly detection techniques. Interpretations capture the rationale of the differences between legal and failing executions with user understandable patterns that simplify identification of failure causes. Empirical validation conducted both with synthetic cases and third-party systems showed that AVA produces useful interpretations. Automata Violations Analyzer, AVA, is a technique to automatically produce candidate interpretations of software failures from anomalies identified by anomaly detection techniques. Interpretations capture the rationale of the differences between legal and failing executions with user understandable patterns that simplify identification of failure causes. Empirical validation conducted both with synthetic cases and third-party systems showed that AVA produces useful interpretations.
-[[http://example.com|Click here for more information about AVA]]+[[http://www.lta.disco.unimib.it/​tools/​ava/​|Click here for more information about AVA]]
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 [[http://​www.lta.disco.unimib.it/​tools/​radar/​|Click here for more information about RADAR]] [[http://​www.lta.disco.unimib.it/​tools/​radar/​|Click here for more information about RADAR]]
 +Verification-Aided Regression Testing (VART) is a novel extension of regression testing that has a fault revealing capability that is significantly less sensitive to the completeness of the validation test suite due to the use of model checking.
 +The key idea in VART is to extend the use of test case executions from the conventional direct fault discovery to the generation of behavioral properties specific to the upgrade, by: (1) automatically producing properties that are proved to hold for the base version of a program; (2) automatically identifying and checking on the upgraded program only the properties that, according to the developers’ intention, must be preserved by the upgrade; (3) reporting the faults and the corresponding counter-examples that are not revealed by the regression tests.
 +[[http://​www.lta.disco.unimib.it/​tools/​vart/​|Click here for more information about VART]]